Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
0.82 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
#▲ | Time | Info | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0.27 ms |
SELECT f0_.CodeFamille AS CodeFamille_0, f0_.libelle AS libelle_1, f0_.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_2, f0_.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_3, f0_.supprimer AS supprimer_4, f0_.description AS description_5, f0_.numeroS AS numeroS_6, f0_.urlimage AS urlimage_7, f0_.slug AS slug_8 FROM famille f0_ WHERE f0_.slug = ? OR f0_.CodeFamille = ?
[ "TA0000003" "TA0000003" ]
2 | 0.34 ms |
SELECT p0_.codeprix_applique AS codeprix_applique_0, p0_.codeservices AS codeservices_1, p0_.prix AS prix_2, p0_.stock AS stock_3, p0_.qteVendu AS qteVendu_4, p0_.qteapprovisionne AS qteapprovisionne_5, p0_.qteretourne AS qteretourne_6, p0_.ID AS ID_7, p0_.codeservices AS codeservices_8 FROM Prix_A_Appliquer p0_ INNER JOIN produit p1_ ON p0_.ID = p1_.ID INNER JOIN famille f2_ ON p1_.CodeFamille = f2_.CodeFamille INNER JOIN services s3_ ON p0_.codeservices = s3_.codeservices WHERE s3_.codeservices = ? AND f2_.CodeFamille = ? AND p1_.photo <> ''
[ "S0000011" "TA0000003" ]
3 | 0.21 ms |
SELECT t0.photo AS photo_1, t0.PrixHT AS PrixHT_2, t0.QteReappro AS QteReappro_3, t0.QteMini AS QteMini_4, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_5, t0.GenCode AS GenCode_6, t0.CodeBarre AS CodeBarre_7, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_8, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_9, t0.Observations AS Observations_10, t0.AIB AS AIB_11, t0.stockActuel AS stockActuel_12, t0.ID AS ID_13, t0.proFamille AS proFamille_14, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_15, t0.Description AS Description_16, t0.assujettiTVA AS assujettiTVA_17, t0.assujettiAIB AS assujettiAIB_18, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_19, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_20, t0.referenceInexistante AS referenceInexistante_21, t0.codebare AS codebare_22, t0.QTEAPPRO AS QTEAPPRO_23, t0.QteVente AS QteVente_24, t0.QteRebus AS QteRebus_25, t0.LibFamille AS LibFamille_26, t0.LibProdV AS LibProdV_27, t0.PrixRevient AS PrixRevient_28, t0.Marge AS Marge_29, t0.NIM_Facture_Preuve AS NIM_Facture_Preuve_30, t0.Signature_Facure_Preuve AS Signature_Facure_Preuve_31, t0.PTVA_Marge AS PTVA_Marge_32, t0.PTVA_HT AS PTVA_HT_33, t0.estMatieresPremiere AS estMatieresPremiere_34, t0.estStockable AS estStockable_35, t0.estdisponible AS estdisponible_36, t0.Reference AS Reference_37, t0.feat AS feat_38, t0.CodeFamille AS CodeFamille_39 FROM produit t0 WHERE t0.ID = ?
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\Famille | No errors. |
App\Entity\Produit | No errors. |
App\Entity\PrixAAppliquer | No errors. |
App\Entity\Services |
App\Entity\LigneFac | No errors. |
App\Entity\ImagesProduits | No errors. |