Since doctrine/doctrine-bundle 2.12: The default value of "doctrine.orm.controller_resolver.auto_mapping" will be changed from `true` to `false`. Explicitly configure `true` to keep existing behaviour.
User Deprecated: Providing the property $indexes on Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table does not have any effect and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 4.0. Please use the Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Index attribute instead. (Table.php:26 called by Produit.php:12,, package doctrine/orm)
"SELECT t0.codeprix_applique AS codeprix_applique_1, t0.codeservices AS codeservices_2, t0.prix AS prix_3, t0.stock AS stock_4, t0.qteVendu AS qteVendu_5, t0.qteapprovisionne AS qteapprovisionne_6, t0.qteretourne AS qteretourne_7, t0.ID AS ID_8, t0.codeservices AS codeservices_9 FROM Prix_A_Appliquer t0 WHERE t0.codeprix_applique = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "PA0000202"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.codeprix_applique AS codeprix_applique_1, t0.codeservices AS codeservices_2, t0.prix AS prix_3, t0.stock AS stock_4, t0.qteVendu AS qteVendu_5, t0.qteapprovisionne AS qteapprovisionne_6, t0.qteretourne AS qteretourne_7, t0.ID AS ID_8, t0.codeservices AS codeservices_9 FROM Prix_A_Appliquer t0 WHERE t0.codeprix_applique = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "PA0000202"
"types" => [1 => 2]
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000001"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000001"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000002"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000002"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000003"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000003"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000004"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000004"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000005"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000005"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000006"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000006"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000007"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000007"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000008"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000008"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000009"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000009"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000010"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000010"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000011"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000011"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000012"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000012"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000013"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000013"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000014"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000014"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000015"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000015"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000016"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000016"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000017"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000017"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000018"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000018"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000019"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000019"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000020"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000020"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000021"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000021"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000022"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000022"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000023"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000023"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000024"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000024"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000025"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000025"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000026"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000026"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000027"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000027"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000028"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000028"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000029"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000029"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000030"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000030"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000031"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000031"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000032"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000032"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000033"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000033"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000034"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000034"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000035"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000035"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000036"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000036"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000037"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000037"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000038"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000038"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000039"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000039"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000040"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000040"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000041"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000041"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000042"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000042"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000043"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000043"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000044"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000044"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000045"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000045"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000046"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000046"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000047"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000047"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000048"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000048"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000049"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000049"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000050"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000050"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000051"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000051"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000052"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000052"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000053"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000053"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000054"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000054"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000055"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000055"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000056"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000056"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000057"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000057"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000058"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000058"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000059"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000059"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000060"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000060"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000061"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000061"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000062"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000062"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000063"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000063"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000064"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000064"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000065"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000065"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000066"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000066"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000067"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000067"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000068"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000068"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000069"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000069"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000070"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000070"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000071"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000071"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000072"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000072"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000073"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000073"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000074"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000074"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000075"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000075"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000076"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000076"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000077"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000077"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000078"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000078"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000079"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000079"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000080"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000080"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000081"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000081"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000082"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000082"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000083"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000083"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000084"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000084"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000085"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000085"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000086"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000086"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000087"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000087"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000088"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000088"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000089"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000089"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000090"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000090"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000091"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000091"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000092"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000092"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000093"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000093"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "RFA00000094"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_1, t0.DateFacture AS DateFacture_2, t0.TotalHT AS TotalHT_3, t0.TotalTTC AS TotalTTC_4, t0.IDAdresseFacturation AS IDAdresseFacturation_5, t0.TotalTVA AS TotalTVA_6, t0.Acquittee AS Acquittee_7, t0.Remise AS Remise_8, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_9, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_10, t0.Observations AS Observations_11, t0.NumCommande AS NumCommande_12, t0.TotalFraisPort AS TotalFraisPort_13, t0.numOrdreFacture AS numOrdreFacture_14, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_15, t0.IDBordereau AS IDBordereau_16, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_17, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_18, t0.IDAdresseLivraison AS IDAdresseLivraison_19, t0.MontantAIB AS MontantAIB_20, t0.adresseLivraison AS adresseLivraison_21, t0.adresseFacturation AS adresseFacturation_22, t0.echeancierEtabli AS echeancierEtabli_23, AS date_24, t0.tvaEtat AS tvaEtat_25, t0.txtvaEtat AS txtvaEtat_26, t0.NumAgent AS NumAgent_27, t0.loginUtilisateur AS loginUtilisateur_28, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_29, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_30, t0.IDTYPEFACTURE AS IDTYPEFACTURE_31, t0.Compteur AS Compteur_32, t0.Compteur_tot AS Compteur_tot_33, t0.Signature AS Signature_34, t0.DateMCF AS DateMCF_35, t0.MCFNum AS MCFNum_36, t0.NetApayer AS NetApayer_37, t0.estPaye AS estPaye_38, t0.estCommander AS estCommander_39, t0.normalisee AS normalisee_40, t0.MontantPercu AS MontantPercu_41, t0.referenceTicket AS referenceTicket_42, t0.Annulee AS Annulee_43, t0.IDModeReglement AS IDModeReglement_44, t0.ModifierPar AS ModifierPar_45, t0.IDBANQUE AS IDBANQUE_46, t0.IDSource AS IDSource_47, t0.Code AS Code_48, t0.NomClient AS NomClient_49, t0.NumBordereau AS NumBordereau_50, t0.statut AS statut_51, t0.NumClient AS NumClient_52, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_53 FROM facture t0 WHERE t0.reffacture = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "RFA00000094"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000001"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000001"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000002"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000002"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000003"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000003"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000004"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000004"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000005"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000005"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000006"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000006"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000007"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000007"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000008"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000008"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000009"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000009"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000010"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000010"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000011"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000011"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000012"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000012"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000013"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000013"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000014"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000014"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000015"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000015"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000016"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000016"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000017"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000017"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000018"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000018"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000019"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000019"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000020"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000020"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000021"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000021"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000022"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000022"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000023"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000023"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000024"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000024"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000025"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000025"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000026"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000026"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000027"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000027"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000028"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000028"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000029"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000029"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000030"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000030"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000031"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000031"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000032"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000032"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000033"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000033"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000034"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000034"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000035"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000035"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000036"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000036"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000037"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000037"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000038"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000038"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000039"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000039"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000040"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000040"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000041"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000041"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000042"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000042"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000043"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000043"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000044"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000044"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000045"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000045"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000046"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000046"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000047"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000047"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000048"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000048"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000049"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000049"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000050"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000050"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000051"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000051"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000052"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000052"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000053"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000053"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000054"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000054"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000055"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000055"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000056"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000056"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000057"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000057"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000058"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000058"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000059"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000059"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000060"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000060"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000061"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000061"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000062"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000062"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000063"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000063"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000064"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000064"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000065"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000065"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000066"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000066"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000067"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000067"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000068"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000068"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000069"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000069"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000070"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000070"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000071"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000071"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000072"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000072"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000073"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000073"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000074"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000074"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000075"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000075"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000076"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000076"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000077"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000077"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000078"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000078"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000079"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000079"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000080"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000080"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000081"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000081"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000082"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000082"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000083"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000083"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000084"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000084"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000085"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000085"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000086"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000086"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000087"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000087"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000088"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000088"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000089"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000089"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000090"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000090"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000091"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000091"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000092"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000092"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000093"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000093"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
[1 => "LF00000094"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT t0.Quantite AS Quantite_1, t0.tauxRemise AS tauxRemise_2, t0.IDLigneFac AS IDLigneFac_3, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_4, t0.Reference AS Reference_5, t0.PrixVente AS PrixVente_6, t0.NumFacture AS NumFacture_7, t0.IDLigneCde AS IDLigneCde_8, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_9, t0.OrdreAffichage AS OrdreAffichage_10, t0.montantLigneAIB AS montantLigneAIB_11, t0.tauxAIB AS tauxAIB_12, t0.montantLigne AS montantLigne_13, t0.MontantLigneTVA AS MontantLigneTVA_14, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_15, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_16, t0.AffTVA AS AffTVA_17, t0.montantRemise AS montantRemise_18, t0.ttcHorsRemise AS ttcHorsRemise_19, t0.ttcAvecRemise AS ttcAvecRemise_20, t0.htAvecRemise AS htAvecRemise_21, t0.ligneTTC AS ligneTTC_22, t0.ID AS ID_23, t0.Description AS Description_24, t0.PuHT AS PuHT_25, AS date_26, t0.Codefamille AS Codefamille_27, t0.depart AS depart_28, t0.destination AS destination_29, t0.motifvoyage AS motifvoyage_30, t0.nbEnfant AS nbEnfant_31, t0.allanta AS allanta_32, t0.Venantde AS Venantde_33, t0.IDPiece AS IDPiece_34, t0.numeropiece AS numeropiece_35, t0.DateEntree AS DateEntree_36, t0.DateSortie AS DateSortie_37, t0.nbrejoure AS nbrejoure_38, t0.caution AS caution_39, t0.IDservice AS IDservice_40, t0.estLivrer AS estLivrer_41, t0.designationprod AS designationprod_42, t0.assujjeti AS assujjeti_43, t0.IDtable AS IDtable_44, t0.Codeprix_applique AS Codeprix_applique_45, t0.reffacture AS reffacture_46 FROM LigneFac t0 WHERE t0.IDLigneFac = ? LIMIT 1"
"params" => [1 => "LF00000094"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS photo_1, t0.PrixHT AS PrixHT_2, t0.QteReappro AS QteReappro_3, t0.QteMini AS QteMini_4, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_5, t0.GenCode AS GenCode_6, t0.CodeBarre AS CodeBarre_7, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_8, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_9, t0.Observations AS Observations_10, t0.AIB AS AIB_11, t0.stockActuel AS stockActuel_12, t0.ID AS ID_13, t0.proFamille AS proFamille_14, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_15, t0.Description AS Description_16, t0.assujettiTVA AS assujettiTVA_17, t0.assujettiAIB AS assujettiAIB_18, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_19, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_20, t0.referenceInexistante AS referenceInexistante_21, t0.codebare AS codebare_22, t0.QTEAPPRO AS QTEAPPRO_23, t0.QteVente AS QteVente_24, t0.QteRebus AS QteRebus_25, t0.LibFamille AS LibFamille_26, t0.LibProdV AS LibProdV_27, t0.PrixRevient AS PrixRevient_28, t0.Marge AS Marge_29, t0.NIM_Facture_Preuve AS NIM_Facture_Preuve_30, t0.Signature_Facure_Preuve AS Signature_Facure_Preuve_31, t0.PTVA_Marge AS PTVA_Marge_32, t0.PTVA_HT AS PTVA_HT_33, t0.estMatieresPremiere AS estMatieresPremiere_34, t0.estStockable AS estStockable_35, t0.estdisponible AS estdisponible_36, t0.Reference AS Reference_37, t0.feat AS feat_38, t0.CodeFamille AS CodeFamille_39 FROM produit t0 WHERE t0.ID = ?"
[1 => "P0000173"
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT AS photo_1, t0.PrixHT AS PrixHT_2, t0.QteReappro AS QteReappro_3, t0.QteMini AS QteMini_4, t0.TauxTVA AS TauxTVA_5, t0.GenCode AS GenCode_6, t0.CodeBarre AS CodeBarre_7, t0.SaisiPar AS SaisiPar_8, t0.SaisiLe AS SaisiLe_9, t0.Observations AS Observations_10, t0.AIB AS AIB_11, t0.stockActuel AS stockActuel_12, t0.ID AS ID_13, t0.proFamille AS proFamille_14, t0.LibProd AS LibProd_15, t0.Description AS Description_16, t0.assujettiTVA AS assujettiTVA_17, t0.assujettiAIB AS assujettiAIB_18, t0.IDSOCIETE AS IDSOCIETE_19, t0.IDAnnee AS IDAnnee_20, t0.referenceInexistante AS referenceInexistante_21, t0.codebare AS codebare_22, t0.QTEAPPRO AS QTEAPPRO_23, t0.QteVente AS QteVente_24, t0.QteRebus AS QteRebus_25, t0.LibFamille AS LibFamille_26, t0.LibProdV AS LibProdV_27, t0.PrixRevient AS PrixRevient_28, t0.Marge AS Marge_29, t0.NIM_Facture_Preuve AS NIM_Facture_Preuve_30, t0.Signature_Facure_Preuve AS Signature_Facure_Preuve_31, t0.PTVA_Marge AS PTVA_Marge_32, t0.PTVA_HT AS PTVA_HT_33, t0.estMatieresPremiere AS estMatieresPremiere_34, t0.estStockable AS estStockable_35, t0.estdisponible AS estdisponible_36, t0.Reference AS Reference_37, t0.feat AS feat_38, t0.CodeFamille AS CodeFamille_39 FROM produit t0 WHERE t0.ID = ?"
"params" => [1 => "P0000173"
"types" => [1 => 2]
Log messages generated during the compilation of the service container.
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\AccueilController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\AccueilController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\AccueilController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\AccueilController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\AccueilController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\AccueilController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\SliderController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\SliderController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\SliderController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\SliderController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\SliderController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\SliderController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\StaticController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\StaticController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\StaticController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\StaticController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\StaticController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\StaticController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\TBController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\TBController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\TBController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\TBController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\TBController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\TBController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\UserController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\UserController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\UserController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\UserController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\Admin\UserController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\UserController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\CommandeController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\CommandeController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\CommandeController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\CommandeController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\CommandeController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\CommandeController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\OrderController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\OrderController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\OrderController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\OrderController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\OrderController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\OrderController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\PaiementController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\PaiementController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\PaiementController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\PaiementController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\PaiementController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\PaiementController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\PanierController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\PanierController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\PanierController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\PanierController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\PanierController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\PanierController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\RegistrationController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\RegistrationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\RegistrationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\RegistrationController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\RegistrationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\RegistrationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\ReservationController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\ReservationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\ReservationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\ReservationController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\ReservationController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\ReservationController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\ResetPasswordController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\SecurityController" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\SecurityController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\SecurityController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\SecurityController).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Controller\SecurityController" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\SecurityController).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\ORMFixtureInterface.0.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures).
Resolving inheritance for "App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\ORMFixtureInterface.0.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ApplicationType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ApplicationType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ApplicationType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ApplicationType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ClientType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ClientType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ClientType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ClientType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\DeleteEntityType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\DeleteEntityType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\DeleteEntityType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\DeleteEntityType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\FacilitiesType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\FacilitiesType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\FacilitiesType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\FacilitiesType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\FamilleType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\FamilleType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\FamilleType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\FamilleType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\GaleriePhotosType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\GaleriePhotosType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\GaleriePhotosType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\GaleriePhotosType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\PasswordUpdateUserType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\PasswordUpdateUserType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\PasswordUpdateUserType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\PasswordUpdateUserType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\PresentationType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\PresentationType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\PresentationType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\PresentationType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\PrixAAppliquerType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\PrixAAppliquerType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\PrixAAppliquerType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\PrixAAppliquerType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ProduitType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ProduitType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ProduitType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ProduitType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\RegistrationFormType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\RegistrationFormType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\RegistrationFormType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\RegistrationFormType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ReservationType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ReservationType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ReservationType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ReservationType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ServicesType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ServicesType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\ServicesType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ServicesType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\SliderType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\SliderType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\SliderType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\SliderType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\UserType" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Form\UserType).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Form\UserType" (parent: .instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\UserType).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ClientRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ClientRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\ClientRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ClientRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\FacilitiesRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\FacilitiesRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\FacilitiesRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\FacilitiesRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\FactureRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\FactureRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\FactureRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\FactureRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\FamilleRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\FamilleRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\FamilleRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\FamilleRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\GaleriePhotosRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\GaleriePhotosRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\GaleriePhotosRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\GaleriePhotosRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ImagesProduitsRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ImagesProduitsRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\ImagesProduitsRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ImagesProduitsRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\LigneFacRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\LigneFacRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\LigneFacRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\LigneFacRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\PresentationRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\PresentationRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\PresentationRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\PresentationRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\PrixAAppliquerRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\PrixAAppliquerRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\PrixAAppliquerRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\PrixAAppliquerRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ProduitRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ProduitRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\ProduitRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ProduitRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ServicesRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ServicesRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\ServicesRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ServicesRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\SliderRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\SliderRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\SliderRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\SliderRepository).
Resolving inheritance for ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\UserRepository" (parent: .abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\UserRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "App\Repository\UserRepository" (parent: .instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\UserRepository).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: cache.adapter.filesystem).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.system" (parent: cache.adapter.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.validator" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.serializer" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.property_info" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.asset_mapper" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal" (parent:
Resolving inheritance for "cache.system_clearer" (parent: cache.default_clearer).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.global_clearer" (parent: cache.default_clearer).
Resolving inheritance for "assets._default_package" (parent: assets.path_package).
Resolving inheritance for "mailer.transport_factory.null" (parent: mailer.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "mailer.transport_factory.sendmail" (parent: mailer.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "mailer.transport_factory.smtp" (parent: mailer.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "mailer.transport_factory.native" (parent: mailer.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "secrets.decryption_key" (parent: container.env).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.validator_expression_language" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.retry.multiplier_retry_strategy.async" (parent: messenger.retry.abstract_multiplier_retry_strategy).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.retry.multiplier_retry_strategy.failed" (parent: messenger.retry.abstract_multiplier_retry_strategy).
Resolving inheritance for "notifier.transport_factory.null" (parent: notifier.transport_factory.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration" (parent: doctrine.dbal.connection.configuration).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration" (parent: doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration" (parent: doctrine.dbal.debug_middleware).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.event_manager" (parent: doctrine.dbal.connection.event_manager).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.default_connection" (parent: doctrine.dbal.connection).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.orm.default_configuration" (parent: doctrine.orm.configuration).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.orm.default_manager_configurator" (parent: doctrine.orm.manager_configurator.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager" (parent: doctrine.orm.entity_manager.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.security_expression_language" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.security_is_granted_attribute_expression_language" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature.ES256" (parent: security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature).
Resolving inheritance for "security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature.ES384" (parent: security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature).
Resolving inheritance for "security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature.ES512" (parent: security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature).
Resolving inheritance for "security.user.provider.concrete.app_user_provider" (parent:
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: security.firewall.config).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: security.firewall.context).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: security.firewall.config).
Resolving inheritance for "security.listener.main.user_provider" (parent: security.listener.user_provider.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "security.context_listener.0" (parent: security.context_listener).
Resolving inheritance for "security.listener.session.main" (parent: security.listener.session).
Resolving inheritance for "security.logout_listener.main" (parent: security.logout_listener).
Resolving inheritance for "security.logout.listener.default.main" (parent: security.logout.listener.default).
Resolving inheritance for "security.logout.listener.session.main" (parent: security.logout.listener.session).
Resolving inheritance for "cache.security_token_verifier" (parent: cache.system).
Resolving inheritance for "security.authenticator.remember_me_signature_hasher.main" (parent: security.authenticator.remember_me_signature_hasher).
Resolving inheritance for "security.authenticator.remember_me_handler.main" (parent: security.authenticator.signature_remember_me_handler).
Resolving inheritance for "security.listener.check_remember_me_conditions.main" (parent: security.listener.check_remember_me_conditions).
Resolving inheritance for "security.listener.remember_me.main" (parent: security.listener.remember_me).
Resolving inheritance for "security.authenticator.remember_me.main" (parent: security.authenticator.remember_me).
Resolving inheritance for "security.authenticator.manager.main" (parent: security.authenticator.manager).
Resolving inheritance for "security.firewall.authenticator.main" (parent: security.firewall.authenticator).
Resolving inheritance for "security.listener.user_checker.main" (parent: security.listener.user_checker).
Resolving inheritance for "security.exception_listener.main" (parent: security.exception_listener).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: security.firewall.lazy_context).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_auth" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_command" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_twig_component" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_controller" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_crud" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_docker_database" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_entity" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_fixtures" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_form" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_listener" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_message" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_messenger_middleware" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_registration_form" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_reset_password" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_schedule" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_serializer_encoder" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_serializer_normalizer" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_twig_extension" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_test" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_validator" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_voter" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_user" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_migration" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_stimulus_controller" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_security_form_login" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_security_custom" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "maker.auto_command.make_webhook" (parent: maker.auto_command.abstract).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.bus.default.middleware.traceable" (parent: messenger.middleware.traceable).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.bus.default.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware" (parent: messenger.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.bus.default.middleware.send_message" (parent: messenger.middleware.send_message).
Resolving inheritance for "messenger.bus.default.middleware.handle_message" (parent: messenger.middleware.handle_message).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware.default" (parent: doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware).
Resolving inheritance for "doctrine.dbal.debug_middleware.default" (parent: doctrine.dbal.debug_middleware).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.request" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.console" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.messenger" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.cache" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.asset_mapper" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.http_client" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.mailer" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.translation" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.php" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.event" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.router" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.profiler" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.doctrine" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.debug" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Resolving inheritance for "monolog.logger.deprecation" (parent: monolog.logger_prototype).
Removed service "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBagInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache\StoreInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UrlHelper"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Config\FileLocator"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UriSigner"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ReverseContainer"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\String\Slugger\SluggerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Clock\ClockInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Clock\ClockInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment\FragmentUriGeneratorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "error_renderer.html"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "error_renderer"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $parameter_bag"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $parameterBag"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Cache\TagAwareCacheInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\AssetMapperInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\AssetMapper\ImportMap\ImportMapManager"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "mailer"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\TransportInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Translation\Reader\TranslationReaderInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\ExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Translation\Writer\TranslationWriterInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Translation\LocaleAwareInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Translation\LocaleSwitcher"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "translator.formatter"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorRenderer\FileLinkFormatter"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContextAwareInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DenormalizerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\EncoderInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\DecoderInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "serializer.property_accessor"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\ClassDiscriminatorResolverInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Factory\ClassMetadataFactoryInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "error_renderer.serializer"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyAccessExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyInfoExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyTypeExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyListExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyInitializableExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyReadInfoExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyWriteInfoExtractorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\WebLink\HttpHeaderSerializer"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "cache.default_redis_provider"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "cache.default_memcached_provider"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "cache.default_doctrine_dbal_provider"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "SessionHandlerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ""; reason: private alias.
Removed service "session.handler"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\TokenGeneratorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\TokenStorageInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManagerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormTypeFactoryInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Form\FormRegistryInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactoryInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "form.property_accessor"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "form.choice_list_factory"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "validator.mapping.class_metadata_factory"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Serialization\SerializerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "messenger.default_serializer"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "messenger.failure_transports.default"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Notifier\NotifierInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Mime\MimeTypesInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Mime\MimeTypeGuesserInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Doctrine\DBAL\Connection"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.event_manager"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $defaultConnection"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.default_metadata_cache"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.default_result_cache"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.default_query_cache"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface $defaultEntityManager"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager.event_manager"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "doctrine.migrations.metadata_storage"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Twig\Environment"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Mime\BodyRendererInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\UX\Turbo\Broadcaster\BroadcasterInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Session\SessionAuthenticationStrategyInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\AuthenticationUtils"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AccessDecisionManagerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\RoleHierarchyInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\FirewallMapInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\HttpUtils"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\PasswordHasherFactoryInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "security.password_hasher"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\UserPasswordHasherInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\UserAuthenticatorInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "security.firewall"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "security.user_providers"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "security.authentication.session_strategy.main"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\RememberMeHandlerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "security.user_checker.main"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "security.firewall.context_locator"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserCheckerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "logger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Flasher\Prime\FlasherInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "SymfonyCasts\Bundle\ResetPassword\ResetPasswordHelperInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "SymfonyCasts\Bundle\VerifyEmail\VerifyEmailHelperInterface"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "twig.loader.filesystem"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "argument_resolver.controller_locator"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "doctrine.id_generator_locator"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "twig.loader"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $requestLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $consoleLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $messengerLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $cacheLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $asset_mapperLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $assetMapperLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $http_clientLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $httpClientLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $mailerLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $translationLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $phpLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $eventLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $routerLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $profilerLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $doctrineLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $debugLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $securityLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $deprecationLogger"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.80edgLI"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.h8Jkkd2"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.BFrsqsn"; reason: private alias.
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Removed service "http_client"; reason: private alias.
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Removed service "assets._default_package"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "controller_resolver"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "argument_resolver"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "translator.data_collector.inner"; reason: private alias.
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Removed service "var_dumper.cli_dumper"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "twig.error_renderer.html.inner"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "turbo.broadcaster.imux"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "security.access.decision_manager"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "security.firewall.authenticator.main"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "messenger.bus.default"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.default_metadata_driver"; reason: private alias.
Removed service "security.event_dispatcher.main"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.gFlme_s"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.xWtfo.V"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.w2xRAwC"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.XPBlR7h"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.KxXEa8H"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.DiGZ7Hs"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.ys_N90a"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.kp1QKyk"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.L3Tbo3b"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.wcxlVxE"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator..r890Xk"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.WrkCiqb"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.9e2t_lq"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator..GoNLM3"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.Pldd4iM"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.q_adgTW"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.J4v_dgx"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.xVA8tuL"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.1PYJJkg"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.ExreaKL"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.OlhvOBK"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.laxOFHb"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.n9__ppM"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.iPeZwXF"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.WD3jznB"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.Noz2Fos"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.6AvB.zq"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.rGtGWe3"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.k5KUX_W"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.dMZ2O9f"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.tXTgezL"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.1TQsSWr"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.E4jTdcH"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.qjV3hir"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.ll4yhvI"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.1JCBw77"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator._43pyzY"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.1TcwcUE"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.jbxz6Ed"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.WI9RIC0"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.9cd4nAm"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.vnUdHHI"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.ZdKI7lj"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.025Wi8b"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.LETTFm1"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.EmZ4cZI"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.h_IFvbz"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator..n4NAoG"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator._EQaRQa"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.mIbMAeW"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.NURQucE"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.22Dh2_W"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.8qta6P5"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.iCdrLnj"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.b94vW16"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.MhftJ5U"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.7d9BPpi"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.NJIEzt2"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.5cKt1SW"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.ostNlSn"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.uPguXMt"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.0VO0qZt"; reason: private alias.
Removed service ".service_locator.Q1z.f9O"; reason: private alias.
Changed reference of service "App\Security\LoginFormAuthenticator" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "argument_resolver.request_payload" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "locale_listener" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "http_kernel" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "url_helper" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "services_resetter" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "fragment.renderer.inline" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "console.command.messenger_consume_messages" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "console.command.messenger_failed_messages_retry" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "console.command.router_debug" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "console.command.router_match" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "console.command.translation_debug" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "asset_mapper.command.compile" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.mailer" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "mailer.mailer" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.abstract" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.null" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.sendmail" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.smtp" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "mailer.transport_factory.native" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "router_listener" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\RedirectController" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "serializer.normalizer.problem" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "serializer.normalizer.translatable" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type.choice" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type.file" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type.color" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type_extension.form.transformation_failure_handling" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type_extension.form.validator" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type_extension.upload.validator" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "form.type_extension.csrf" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "validator.builder" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "messenger.middleware.send_message" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "messenger.middleware.router_context" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "messenger.retry.send_failed_message_for_retry_listener" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "messenger.routable_message_bus" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "messenger.redispatch_message_handler" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "notifier.transport_factory.abstract" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "notifier.transport_factory.null" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "console_profiler_listener" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "data_collector.translation" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "data_collector.messenger" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "twig.extension.trans" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "twig.extension.routing" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "twig.extension.form" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "web_profiler.controller.profiler" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "web_profiler.controller.router" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "debug.file_link_formatter.url_format" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "web_profiler.debug_toolbar" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.logout_url_generator" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.http_utils" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.http_utils" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.context_listener" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "security.authentication.listener.abstract" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "security.authentication.switchuser_listener" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "security.authentication.switchuser_listener" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "security.authenticator.manager" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "security.authenticator.json_login" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "maker.event_registry" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "maker.maker.make_registration_form" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "maker.maker.make_reset_password" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service "flasher.translator" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.1Z9fEX7" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.EE0.cm9" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.Z9ydiC1" previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service "messenger.bus.default.middleware.send_message" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.5cAhUFF" previously pointing to "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default" to "messenger.default_bus".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.fuYM_Z." previously pointing to "translator.data_collector" to "translator".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator.cUcW89y" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
Changed reference of service ".service_locator._1SGciK" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
Removed service "App\Entity"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "container.env"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.system"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.apcu"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.filesystem"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.psr6"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.redis"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.memcached"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.doctrine_dbal"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.pdo"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "cache.adapter.array"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "assets.path_package"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "assets.url_package"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "assets.static_version_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "assets.json_manifest_version_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "http_client.abstract_retry_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "mailer.transport_factory.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\AllValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\AtLeastOneOfValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\BicValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\BlankValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CallbackValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CardSchemeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ChoiceValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CidrValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CollectionValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CompoundValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CountValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CountryValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CssColorValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\CurrencyValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\DateTimeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\DateValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\DivisibleByValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\EmailValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\EqualToValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ExpressionSyntaxValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ExpressionValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\FileValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\GreaterThanOrEqualValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\GreaterThanValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\HostnameValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IbanValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IdenticalToValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ImageValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IpValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsFalseValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsNullValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsTrueValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsbnValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IsinValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\IssnValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\JsonValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LanguageValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LengthValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LessThanOrEqualValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LessThanValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LocaleValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LuhnValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NoSuspiciousCharactersValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlankValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotCompromisedPasswordValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotEqualToValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotIdenticalToValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotNullValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\PasswordStrengthValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\RangeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\RegexValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\SequentiallyValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\TimeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\TimezoneValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\TypeValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\UlidValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\UniqueValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\UrlValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\UuidValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ValidValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\WhenValidator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.send_message"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.handle_message"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.add_bus_name_stamp_middleware"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.traceable"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.retry.abstract_multiplier_retry_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "notifier.transport_factory.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.connection"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.connection.event_manager"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.connection.configuration"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.schema_asset_filter_manager"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.debug_middleware"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.doctrine_transaction"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.doctrine_ping_connection"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.doctrine_close_connection"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.doctrine_open_transaction_logger"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.configuration"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.entity_manager.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.manager_configurator.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ""; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.firewall.context"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.firewall.lazy_context"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.firewall.config"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.user.provider.missing"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.user.provider.in_memory"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.user.provider.ldap"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.user.provider.chain"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.logout_listener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.logout.listener.session"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.logout.listener.clear_site_data"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.logout.listener.cookie_clearing"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.logout.listener.default"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.listener.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.custom_success_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.success_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.custom_failure_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.failure_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.exception_listener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authentication.switchuser_listener"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.manager"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.firewall.authenticator"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.user_provider.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.user_checker"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.session"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.login_throttling"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.http_basic"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.form_login"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.json_login"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.x509"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.remote_user"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.access_token"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.access_token.chain_extractor"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.access_token_handler.oidc_user_info.http_client"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.access_token_handler.oidc_user_info"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.access_token_handler.oidc"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.access_token_handler.oidc.jwk"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.signature_remember_me_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.persistent_remember_me_handler"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.check_remember_me_conditions"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.listener.remember_me"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "security.authenticator.remember_me"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "monolog.logger_prototype"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "monolog.activation_strategy.not_found"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "monolog.handler.fingers_crossed.error_level_activation_strategy"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "maker.auto_command.abstract"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "flasher.notification_factory"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\AccueilController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\AccueilController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\AccueilController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\SliderController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\SliderController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\SliderController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\StaticController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\StaticController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\StaticController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\TBController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\TBController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\TBController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\Admin\UserController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\Admin\UserController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\Admin\UserController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\CommandeController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\CommandeController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\CommandeController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\OrderController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\OrderController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\OrderController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\PaiementController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\PaiementController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\PaiementController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\PanierController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\PanierController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\PanierController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\RegistrationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\RegistrationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\RegistrationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\ReservationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\ReservationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\ReservationController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface.0.App\Controller\SecurityController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController.0.App\Controller\SecurityController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Controller\SecurityController"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\ORMFixtureInterface.0.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ApplicationType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ApplicationType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ClientType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ClientType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\DeleteEntityType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\DeleteEntityType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\FacilitiesType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\FacilitiesType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\FamilleType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\FamilleType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\GaleriePhotosType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\GaleriePhotosType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\PasswordUpdateUserType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\PasswordUpdateUserType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\PresentationType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\PresentationType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\PrixAAppliquerType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\PrixAAppliquerType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ProduitType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ProduitType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\RegistrationFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\RegistrationFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ReservationType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ReservationType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ResetPasswordRequestFormType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\ServicesType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\ServicesType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\SliderType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\SliderType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface.0.App\Form\UserType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Form\UserType"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ClientRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ClientRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\FacilitiesRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\FacilitiesRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\FactureRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\FactureRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\FamilleRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\FamilleRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\GaleriePhotosRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\GaleriePhotosRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ImagesProduitsRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ImagesProduitsRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\LigneFacRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\LigneFacRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\PresentationRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\PresentationRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\PrixAAppliquerRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\PrixAAppliquerRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ProduitRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ProduitRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\ServicesRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\ServicesRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\SliderRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\SliderRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".instanceof.Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepositoryInterface.0.App\Repository\UserRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service ".abstract.instanceof.App\Repository\UserRepository"; reason: abstract.
Removed service "App\Model\Reservation"; reason: unused.
Removed service "http_cache"; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service "reverse_container"; reason: unused.
Removed service "assets.empty_package"; reason: unused.
Removed service "psr18.http_client"; reason: unused.
Removed service "http_client.uri_template_expander.guzzle"; reason: unused.
Removed service "http_client.uri_template_expander.rize"; reason: unused.
Removed service "mailer.default_transport"; reason: unused.
Removed service "translator.logging"; reason: unused.
Removed service "serializer.mapping.cache.symfony"; reason: unused.
Removed service "serializer.name_converter.camel_case_to_snake_case"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".cache_connection.GD_MSZC"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".cache_connection.JKE6keX"; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service "session.handler.native_file"; reason: unused.
Removed service "session.abstract_handler"; reason: unused.
Removed service "session.marshaller"; reason: unused.
Removed service "validator.mapping.cache.adapter"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.symfony_serializer"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.validation"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.middleware.router_context"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.amqp.factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.redis.factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.sqs.factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "messenger.transport.beanstalkd.factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.channel_policy"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.flash_message_importance_mapper"; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service ""; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.monolog_handler"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.failed_message_listener"; reason: unused.
Removed service "notifier.admin_recipient.0"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.well_known_schema_asset_filter"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.default_schema_manager_factory"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".1_ServiceLocator~o.Yq8.x"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.listeners.resolve_target_entity"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.default"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.ansi"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.migrations.connection_loader"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.migrations.em_loader"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.migrations.connection_registry_loader"; reason: unused.
Removed service "twig.loader.chain"; reason: unused.
Removed service "twig.extension.htmlsanitizer"; reason: unused.
Removed service "twig.extension.debug"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.authentication.session_strategy_noop"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.context_listener"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.user_authenticator"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.access_token_extractor.header"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.access_token_extractor.query_string"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.access_token_extractor.request_body"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature.ES256"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature.ES384"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.access_token_handler.oidc.signature.ES512"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.user_checker.chain.main"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.authenticator.remember_me_signature_hasher"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.authenticator.firewall_aware_remember_me_handler"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.chrome_php"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.gelf_message"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.html"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.json"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.line"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.loggly"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.normalizer"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.scalar"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.wildfire"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.formatter.logstash"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.http_client"; reason: unused.
Removed service "maker.php_compat_util"; reason: unused.
Removed service "maker.maker.make_functional_test"; reason: unused.
Removed service "maker.maker.make_subscriber"; reason: unused.
Removed service "maker.maker.make_unit_test"; reason: unused.
Removed service "flasher.notification_logger_listener"; reason: unused.
Removed service "flasher.flasher_component"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.denormalizer.unwrapping"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.flatten_exception"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.problem"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.uid"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.datetime"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.constraint_violation_list"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.mime_message"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.datetimezone"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.dateinterval"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.form_error"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.backed_enum"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.data_uri"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.translatable"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.json_serializable"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.denormalizer.array"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.normalizer.serializer.normalizer.object"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.encoder.serializer.encoder.xml"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.encoder.serializer.encoder.json"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.encoder.serializer.encoder.yaml"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".debug.serializer.encoder.serializer.encoder.csv"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.logging_middleware.default"; reason: unused.
Removed service "doctrine.dbal.debug_middleware.default"; reason: unused.
Removed service "security.ldap_locator"; reason: unused.
Removed service "monolog.logger.translation"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".service_locator.XXv1IfR"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".service_locator.hnz5ZNh"; reason: unused.
Removed service ".service_locator.Ar70cHn"; reason: unused.
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\AccueilController" to "App\Controller\AccueilController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController" to "App\Controller\Admin\ClientsController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController" to "App\Controller\Admin\FacilitiesController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController" to "App\Controller\Admin\FamilleController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController" to "App\Controller\Admin\GaleriePhotosController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController" to "App\Controller\Admin\PresentationController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController" to "App\Controller\Admin\ProduitController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController" to "App\Controller\Admin\ServicesController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\SliderController" to "App\Controller\Admin\SliderController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\StaticController" to "App\Controller\Admin\StaticController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\TBController" to "App\Controller\Admin\TBController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\Admin\UserController" to "App\Controller\Admin\UserController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\CommandeController" to "App\Controller\CommandeController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\OrderController" to "App\Controller\OrderController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\PaiementController" to "App\Controller\PaiementController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\PanierController" to "App\Controller\PanierController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController" to "App\Controller\PrixAAppliquerController".
Inlined service "App\Security\EmailVerifier" to "App\Controller\RegistrationController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\RegistrationController" to "App\Controller\RegistrationController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\ReservationController" to "App\Controller\ReservationController".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.reset_password.helper" to "App\Controller\ResetPasswordController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\ResetPasswordController" to "App\Controller\ResetPasswordController".
Inlined service ".service_locator.jUv.zyj.App\Controller\SecurityController" to "App\Controller\SecurityController".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper" to "App\Security\EmailVerifier".
Inlined service "clock" to "argument_resolver.datetime".
Inlined service "error_handler.error_renderer.serializer" to "error_controller".
Inlined service "debug.controller_resolver" to "http_kernel".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver" to "http_kernel".
Inlined service ".service_locator.lLv4pWF" to "fragment.handler".
Inlined service "uri_signer" to "fragment.uri_generator".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.console" to "console.error_listener".
Inlined service "cache_clearer" to "console.command.cache_clear".
Inlined service ".service_locator.NBUFN6A" to "console.command.cache_pool_invalidate_tags".
Inlined service "messenger.listener.reset_services" to "console.command.messenger_consume_messages".
Inlined service "console.messenger.application" to "console.messenger.execute_command_handler".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "cache.system.recorder_inner" to "cache.system".
Inlined service "cache.validator.recorder_inner" to "cache.validator".
Inlined service "cache.serializer.recorder_inner" to "cache.serializer".
Inlined service "cache.property_info.recorder_inner" to "cache.property_info".
Inlined service "cache.asset_mapper.recorder_inner" to "cache.asset_mapper".
Inlined service "cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal.recorder_inner" to "cache.messenger.restart_workers_signal".
Inlined service "asset_mapper.asset_package" to "assets.packages".
Inlined service "asset_mapper.cached_mapped_asset_factory" to "asset_mapper".
Inlined service "asset_mapper.cached_mapped_asset_factory.inner" to "asset_mapper.cached_mapped_asset_factory".
Inlined service "asset_mapper.asset_package.inner" to "asset_mapper.asset_package".
Inlined service "asset_mapper.local_public_assets_filesystem" to "asset_mapper.command.compile".
Inlined service "asset_mapper.importmap.auditor" to "asset_mapper.importmap.command.audit".
Inlined service "asset_mapper.importmap.update_checker" to "asset_mapper.importmap.command.outdated".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.http_client" to "http_client.transport".
Inlined service "http_client.uri_template.inner" to "http_client.uri_template".
Inlined service "mailer.transport_factory" to "mailer.transports".
Inlined service ".service_locator.O24_MAy" to "translator.default".
Inlined service "translator.formatter.default" to "translator.default".
Inlined service "identity_translator" to "translator.formatter.default".
Inlined service "translation.extractor.php_ast" to "translation.extractor".
Inlined service "twig.translation.extractor" to "translation.extractor".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.php" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.xliff" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.xliff.xliff" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.po" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.yml" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.yaml" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.qt" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.csv" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.ini" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.json" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service "translation.dumper.res" to "translation.writer".
Inlined service ".service_locator.fuYM_Z..translation.warmer" to "translation.warmer".
Inlined service "translation.provider_collection_factory" to "translation.provider_collection".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.php" to "debug.error_handler_configurator".
Inlined service "debug.controller_resolver.inner" to "debug.controller_resolver".
Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.xml" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.yml" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.php" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.glob" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.container" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.attribute.file" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service "routing.loader.psr4" to "routing.resolver".
Inlined service ".service_locator.LD5oJC8" to "routing.loader.container".
Inlined service "routing.resolver" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service ".service_locator.Kl0E_Fe" to "router.expression_language_provider".
Inlined service ".service_locator.cUcW89y.router.cache_warmer" to "router.cache_warmer".
Inlined service "cache.property_access" to "property_accessor".
Inlined service "secrets.decryption_key" to "secrets.vault".
Inlined service "" to "serializer.normalizer.mime_message".
Inlined service "serializer.mapping.chain_loader" to "serializer.mapping.class_metadata_factory".
Inlined service "twig.error_renderer.html" to "error_handler.error_renderer.serializer".
Inlined service "" to "session.factory".
Inlined service ".service_locator.u6DWx23" to "session_listener".
Inlined service "security.csrf.token_generator" to "security.csrf.token_manager".
Inlined service "form.extension" to "form.registry".
Inlined service "form.resolved_type_factory" to "form.registry".
Inlined service ".service_locator.LPGGelE" to "form.extension".
Inlined service "form.choice_list_factory.default" to "form.choice_list_factory.property_access".
Inlined service "form.choice_list_factory.property_access" to "form.choice_list_factory.cached".
Inlined service "form.type_extension.form.request_handler" to "form.type_extension.form.http_foundation".
Inlined service "validator.validator_factory" to "validator.builder".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.validator_initializer" to "validator.builder".
Inlined service "validator.property_info_loader" to "validator.builder".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager.validator_loader" to "validator.builder".
Inlined service ".service_locator.mAgPHiR" to "validator.validator_factory".
Inlined service "validator.expression_language_provider" to "validator.expression_language".
Inlined service "cache.validator_expression_language.recorder_inner" to "cache.validator_expression_language".
Inlined service "messenger.retry_strategy_locator" to "messenger.retry.send_failed_message_for_retry_listener".
Inlined service ".service_locator._wyX1Dp" to "messenger.failure.send_failed_message_to_failure_transport_listener".
Inlined service ".service_locator.5cAhUFF" to "messenger.routable_message_bus".
Inlined service "chatter.transport_factory" to "chatter.transports".
Inlined service "chatter.transports" to "chatter.messenger.chat_handler".
Inlined service "texter.transport_factory" to "texter.transports".
Inlined service "" to "profiler".
Inlined service ".data_collector.command" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.time" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.memory" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.validator" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.ajax" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.exception" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.logger" to "profiler".
Inlined service "" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.translation" to "profiler".
Inlined service "" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.twig" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.http_client" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.doctrine" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.messenger" to "profiler".
Inlined service "mailer.data_collector" to "profiler".
Inlined service "notifier.data_collector" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.config" to "profiler".
Inlined service "data_collector.form.extractor" to "data_collector.form".
Inlined service "debug.validator.inner" to "debug.validator".
Inlined service "debug.serializer.inner" to "debug.serializer".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.dsn_parser" to "doctrine.dbal.connection_factory".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.legacy_schema_manager_factory" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.doctrine" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration".
Inlined service ".service_locator.XtmiKbi" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.event_manager".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.default_connection.configuration" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection".
Inlined service "doctrine.dbal.connection_factory" to "doctrine.dbal.default_connection".
Inlined service ".service_locator.AinRXT8" to "doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.entity_value_resolver.expression_language" to "doctrine.orm.entity_value_resolver".
Inlined service "cache.doctrine.orm.default.metadata" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service ".doctrine.orm.default_metadata_driver" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore_number_aware" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.quote_strategy.default" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.default_entity_listener_resolver" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory" to "doctrine.orm.default_configuration".
Inlined service "cache.doctrine.orm.default.result.recorder_inner" to "cache.doctrine.orm.default.result".
Inlined service "cache.doctrine.orm.default.query.recorder_inner" to "cache.doctrine.orm.default.query".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.default_configuration" to "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.default_manager_configurator" to "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager".
Inlined service "doctrine.migrations.configuration_loader" to "doctrine.migrations.dependency_factory".
Inlined service "doctrine.migrations.entity_manager_registry_loader" to "doctrine.migrations.dependency_factory".
Inlined service "doctrine.migrations.configuration" to "doctrine.migrations.configuration_loader".
Inlined service "" to "doctrine.migrations.configuration".
Inlined service "var_dumper.contextualized_cli_dumper" to "debug.dump_listener".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.debug" to "var_dumper.dump_server".
Inlined service "var_dumper.dump_server" to "var_dumper.command.server_dump".
Inlined service "twig.loader.native_filesystem" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.security_csrf" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.dump" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.profiler" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.trans" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.assets" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.routing" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.yaml" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.debug.stopwatch" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.expression" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.httpkernel" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.httpfoundation" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.weblink" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.serializer" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.form" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.importmap" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.logout_url" to "twig".
Inlined service "" to "twig".
Inlined service "doctrine.twig.doctrine_extension" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.webprofiler" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.extension.code" to "twig".
Inlined service "stimulus.ux_controllers_twig_extension" to "twig".
Inlined service "turbo.twig.extension" to "twig".
Inlined service "flasher.twig_extension" to "twig".
Inlined service "stimulus.twig_extension" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.app_variable" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.runtime_loader" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.missing_extension_suggestor" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.missing_extension_suggestor" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.missing_extension_suggestor" to "twig".
Inlined service "twig.configurator.environment" to "twig".
Inlined service ".service_locator.etVElvN.twig.template_cache_warmer" to "twig.template_cache_warmer".
Inlined service "twig.template_iterator" to "twig.template_cache_warmer".
Inlined service "fragment.handler" to "twig.runtime.httpkernel".
Inlined service "fragment.uri_generator" to "twig.runtime.httpkernel".
Inlined service "url_helper" to "twig.extension.httpfoundation".
Inlined service ".service_locator.MsHkddy" to "twig.runtime_loader".
Inlined service "twig.mime_body_renderer" to "twig.mailer.message_listener".
Inlined service "asset_mapper.importmap.renderer" to "twig.runtime.importmap".
Inlined service "stimulus.helper" to "stimulus.twig_extension".
Inlined service "stimulus.asset_mapper.auto_import_locator" to "stimulus.asset_mapper.controllers_map_generator".
Inlined service "turbo.broadcaster.action_renderer.inner" to "turbo.broadcaster.action_renderer".
Inlined service "turbo.id_accessor" to "turbo.broadcaster.action_renderer".
Inlined service "turbo.broadcaster.action_renderer" to "turbo.doctrine.event_listener".
Inlined service ".service_locator.LcVn9Hr" to "security.token_storage".
Inlined service ".service_locator.BlxN3Cw" to "security.helper".
Inlined service ".service_locator.JfCA0EP" to "security.helper".
Inlined service "security.expression_language" to "security.access.expression_voter".
Inlined service "cache.security_expression_language.recorder_inner" to "cache.security_expression_language".
Inlined service "security.is_granted_attribute_expression_language" to "controller.is_granted_attribute_listener".
Inlined service "cache.security_is_granted_attribute_expression_language.recorder_inner" to "cache.security_is_granted_attribute_expression_language".
Inlined service ".security.request_matcher.z.rifOw" to "security.access_map".
Inlined service "security.impersonate_url_generator" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service ".security.request_matcher.q1UFWmc" to ".security.request_matcher.kLbKLHa".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "security.authentication.session_strategy" to "security.listener.session.main".
Inlined service "cache.security_token_verifier.recorder_inner" to "cache.security_token_verifier".
Inlined service "security.authenticator.remember_me_signature_hasher.main" to "security.authenticator.remember_me_handler.main".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service "security.exception_listener.main" to "".
Inlined service "security.logout_listener.main" to "".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service ".security.request_matcher.RVw_p4I" to ".security.request_matcher.z.rifOw".
Inlined service "monolog.processor.psr_log_message" to "monolog.handler.main".
Inlined service "maker.autoloader_util" to "maker.file_manager".
Inlined service "maker.autoloader_finder" to "maker.autoloader_util".
Inlined service "maker.template_component_generator" to "maker.generator".
Inlined service "maker.event_registry" to "maker.maker.make_listener".
Inlined service "maker.user_class_builder" to "maker.maker.make_user".
Inlined service "doctrine.fixtures.loader" to "doctrine.fixtures_load_command".
Inlined service "doctrine.fixtures.purger.orm_purger_factory" to "doctrine.fixtures_load_command".
Inlined service "App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures" to "doctrine.fixtures.loader".
Inlined service "flasher.response_manager" to "flasher".
Inlined service "flasher.csp_handler" to "flasher.flasher_listener".
Inlined service "flasher.translator" to "flasher.translation_listener".
Inlined service "flasher.storage_bag" to "".
Inlined service "flasher.translation_listener" to "flasher.event_dispatcher".
Inlined service "flasher.preset_listener" to "flasher.event_dispatcher".
Inlined service "" to "flasher.storage_manager".
Inlined service "flasher.filter_factory" to "flasher.storage_manager".
Inlined service "flasher.template_engine" to "flasher.resource_manager".
Inlined service "flasher.resource_manager" to "flasher.response_manager".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.reset_password.random_generator" to "symfonycasts.reset_password.token_generator".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.reset_password.token_generator" to "symfonycasts.reset_password.helper".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.uri_signer_factory" to "symfonycasts.verify_email.uri_signer".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.uri_signer" to "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.query_utility" to "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper".
Inlined service "symfonycasts.verify_email.token_generator" to "symfonycasts.verify_email.helper".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_authenticator" to "maker.auto_command.make_auth".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_command" to "maker.auto_command.make_command".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_twig_component" to "maker.auto_command.make_twig_component".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_controller" to "maker.auto_command.make_controller".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_crud" to "maker.auto_command.make_crud".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_docker_database" to "maker.auto_command.make_docker_database".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_entity" to "maker.auto_command.make_entity".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_fixtures" to "maker.auto_command.make_fixtures".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_form" to "maker.auto_command.make_form".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_listener" to "maker.auto_command.make_listener".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_message" to "maker.auto_command.make_message".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_messenger_middleware" to "maker.auto_command.make_messenger_middleware".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_registration_form" to "maker.auto_command.make_registration_form".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_reset_password" to "maker.auto_command.make_reset_password".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_schedule" to "maker.auto_command.make_schedule".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_serializer_encoder" to "maker.auto_command.make_serializer_encoder".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_serializer_normalizer" to "maker.auto_command.make_serializer_normalizer".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_twig_extension" to "maker.auto_command.make_twig_extension".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_test" to "maker.auto_command.make_test".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_validator" to "maker.auto_command.make_validator".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_voter" to "maker.auto_command.make_voter".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_user" to "maker.auto_command.make_user".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_migration" to "maker.auto_command.make_migration".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_stimulus_controller" to "maker.auto_command.make_stimulus_controller".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_form_login" to "maker.auto_command.make_security_form_login".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_custom_authenticator" to "maker.auto_command.make_security_custom".
Inlined service "maker.maker.make_webhook" to "maker.auto_command.make_webhook".
Inlined service "security.user_value_resolver" to "".
Inlined service "security.security_token_value_resolver" to "".
Inlined service "doctrine.orm.entity_value_resolver" to ".debug.value_resolver.doctrine.orm.entity_value_resolver".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.backed_enum_resolver" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.backed_enum_resolver".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.datetime" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.datetime".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.request_attribute" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.request_attribute".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.request" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.request".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.session" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.session".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.service" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.service".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.default" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.default".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.variadic" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.variadic".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.not_tagged_controller" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.not_tagged_controller".
Inlined service "argument_resolver.query_parameter_value_resolver" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.query_parameter_value_resolver".
Inlined service "messenger.senders_locator" to "messenger.bus.default.middleware.send_message".
Inlined service "messenger.bus.default.messenger.handlers_locator" to "messenger.bus.default.middleware.handle_message".
Inlined service "process.messenger.process_message_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.QXXNQ9d".
Inlined service "console.messenger.execute_command_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.kEzMhfs".
Inlined service "http_client.messenger.ping_webhook_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.6kVvRT.".
Inlined service "mailer.messenger.message_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.tGvt0LH".
Inlined service "messenger.redispatch_message_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.p4Qvabm".
Inlined service "chatter.messenger.chat_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.vMw0m61".
Inlined service "texter.messenger.sms_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.XZowc.T".
Inlined service "texter.messenger.push_handler" to ".messenger.handler_descriptor.Lml2ICs".
Inlined service "http_client.uri_template" to ".debug.http_client".
Inlined service ".doctrine.orm.default_metadata_driver.inner" to ".doctrine.orm.default_metadata_driver".
Inlined service ".service_locator.KLVvNIq" to ".doctrine.orm.default_metadata_driver".
Inlined service "security.access.authenticated_voter" to "".
Inlined service "security.access.simple_role_voter" to "".
Inlined service "security.access.expression_voter" to "".
Inlined service "monolog.handler.null_internal" to "monolog.logger.event".
Inlined service "" to "".
Inlined service ".service_locator.fuYM_Z." to ".service_locator.fuYM_Z..translation.warmer".
Inlined service ".service_locator.bN.V_Nq" to ".service_locator.bN.V_Nq.router.default".
Inlined service ".service_locator.cUcW89y" to ".service_locator.cUcW89y.router.cache_warmer".
Inlined service ".service_locator.etVElvN" to ".service_locator.etVElvN.twig.template_cache_warmer".
Inlined service "asset_mapper.public_assets_path_resolver" to "asset_mapper.cached_mapped_asset_factory.inner".
Inlined service "asset_mapper_compiler" to "asset_mapper.cached_mapped_asset_factory.inner".
Inlined service "assets.empty_version_strategy" to "asset_mapper.asset_package.inner".
Inlined service "assets.context" to "asset_mapper.asset_package.inner".
Inlined service "argument_metadata_factory" to "debug.argument_resolver.inner".
Inlined service ".service_locator.dGUCsbe" to "debug.argument_resolver.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.denormalizer.unwrapping" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.flatten_exception" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.problem" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.uid" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.datetime" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.constraint_violation_list" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.mime_message" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.datetimezone" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.dateinterval" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.form_error" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.backed_enum" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.data_uri" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.translatable" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.json_serializable" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.denormalizer.array" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.normalizer.object" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.xml" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.json" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.yaml" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service "serializer.encoder.csv" to "debug.serializer.inner".
Inlined service ".service_locator.stZlFE6" to "console.command_loader".
Inlined service ".service_locator.bN.V_Nq.router.default" to "router".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.router" to "router".
Inlined service "debug.traced.messenger.bus.default.inner" to "messenger.default_bus".
Inlined service "debug.event_dispatcher.inner" to "event_dispatcher".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.event" to "event_dispatcher".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "routing.loader.attribute" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "routing.loader.attribute" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "routing.loader.attribute" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.profiler" to "profiler".
Inlined service "monolog.logger.profiler" to "profiler".
Inlined service "serializer.name_converter.metadata_aware" to "debug.serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.name_converter.metadata_aware" to "debug.serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.mapping.class_discriminator_resolver" to "debug.serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.name_converter.metadata_aware" to "debug.serializer".
Inlined service "serializer.mapping.class_discriminator_resolver" to "debug.serializer".
Inlined service "flasher.storage_manager" to "flasher".
Inlined service "flasher.storage_manager" to "flasher".
Inlined service "flasher.event_dispatcher" to "flasher".
Inlined service "flasher.event_dispatcher" to "flasher".
Tag "container.decorator" was defined on service(s) "debug.validator", "debug.serializer", "", "", ".debug.http_client", "", "messenger.default_bus", "event_dispatcher", but was never used.